Features/TV–IAG Agency
Julian Savodivker
+1 310 888 4256
Commercials–IAG Agency
Alexa Lopez
+1 310 598 4772
Greek born Andre Lascaris received his MFA from the American Film Institute. He ventured into narrative storytelling as a cinematographer, shooting critically acclaimed features such as Marianna Palka’s Good Dick, Jessie and Ed Zwick’s About Alex, and Ron Howard and Bryce Dallas Howard’s Dads. Andre has also photographed and produced the controversial documentary Stolen Seas, which examines modern day piracy off the coast of Somalia. His one of a kind experience on the piracy documentary led him to conceive the story for Unmanned, which was bought by Keanu Reeves’ company to be produced by Chris Morgan. His upcoming projects include, Amphora, which he co-wrote with his frequent collaborator, Tatia Pilieva, and an adaptation of Hermann Hesse’s Demian. Some of his music video and commercial clients include U2, Rita Ora, Ford, Nike, Audible, Facebook, and Lufthansa among others.

Greek born Andre Lascaris received his MFA from the American Film Institute. He ventured into narrative storytelling as a cinematographer, shooting critically acclaimed features such as Marianna Palka’s Good Dick, Jessie and Ed Zwick’s About Alex, and Ron Howard and Bryce Dallas Howard’s Dads. Andre has also photographed and produced the controversial documentary Stolen Seas, which examines modern day piracy off the coast of Somalia. His one of a kind experience on the piracy documentary led him to conceive the story for Unmanned, which was bought by Keanu Reeves’ company to be produced by Chris Morgan. His upcoming projects include, Amphora, which he co-wrote with his frequent collaborator, Tatia Pilieva, and an adaptation of Hermann Hesse’s Demian. Some of his music video and commercial clients include U2, Rita Ora, Ford, Nike, Audible, Facebook, and Lufthansa among others.